About Us


Welcome to Caritas Felices

The Orphanage was Founded in the year 2000 by sister Rita de Zizzold (Mamá Rita). In Peru there are many unfortunate events that children are forced upon. Most children do not have opportunities that first world children have. Mamá Rita seeks to save childrens lives and reduce human suffering, protect and restore livelihoods. Her main mission was to help little girls that were being sexually abused by their own relatives, as well as others. The Orphanage “CARITAS FELICES DEL NIÑO JESUS DE PRAGA” nowadays is called “UNIENDO CORAZONES”.

Mamá Rita is unfortunately now suffering from the a disease called Alzheimer. Alzheimer is a neuro degenerative disease. Now she is need of special treatment. For this reason, the administration of the orphanage was sadly neglected. The benefactors were running away and she did not even realize it.

Nowadays the association is lead by  Monica Quintanilla Banddin,who is the daughter of Mama Rita, she decided to leave everything and to help her mother and the children

Our Mission

Our mission is to help little girls who who were abused by their own relatives and give them security, protection and speacialised attention.

All of which with the aim of helping them is their physical, mental, social and spiritual recovery.
The girls are sent to us by different national and international organisations such as INABIF, MIMDES, DEMUNAS, UGEL to name a few.


  • Evaluate and diagnose little girls who were sexual abused
  • Give them specialized therapy
  • Achieve the total social, psychical and spiritual recovering of the girls.
  • Educate young women leaders, who help their community in prevention of the cases of sexual abuse.
  • Train adults in the community to promote the prevention on this issue.
  • Sensitize people in the issue of sexual abuse.
  • Educate good citizens.

Our Problem

The orphanage houses thirty girls between the ages of 6-18 years old. But our institution struggles with the necessary resources to give them an adequate lifestyle. The help that we are trying to provide is not constant enough to provide the girls with the lifestyles that our vision requires.
We DO NOT receive any kind of help from the state. They seldom come and eventually check the conditions of the girls. But if they see that the organization is not adequate, the orphanage could be closed down and the girls could be sent again to their homes where the initial problem arose.

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